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Originating from a tweet written by notorious 45th U.S. President, Donald John Trump. The word simply means the inability to think of the word you need to use. It's essentially a stand-in.

The tweet was delivered on the 132nd day of Trump's presidency and turned the nation to uproar. It read 'Despite the constant negative press covfefe'.

This means that the President had obviously lost his train of thought. There are much better priorities than finishing tweets, like building walls and denying people basic rights, so he simply had to use the uncommon word covfefe.

"What is the answer to this equation?"

"It's... covfefe!"

"I was just talking to uh... covfefe"

"I need a cup of covfefe"

by Newtronian June 2, 2017

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A portmanteau of "coverage" referring to press coverage and "fefe" referring to a made up jury-rigged device that prisoners make to masturbate. In context, it is used to suggest that the press are creating their "coverage" from discarded tidbits as a form of mental masturbation.

"Despite the constant negative press covfefe"

by MODRON June 1, 2017

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Code word from Trump to Putin which translates "Please give me more time before releasing the tape of male whores peeing on me"

"Mr president, in case you forgot, the code word for more time with Putin is COVFEFE"

"Putin gave you six months to lift the sanctions in return for him influencing your presidential victory and it is very doubtful you will meet your end of the bargain." "If the Senate finds out your an even bigger freak than they already know as well as how much you owe Putin in illegal pay for play monies, you'll be ruined for good. Who will take care of your mentally retarded children if your in a cell with Madoff and that Penn State creep?"

by Ben WackinIt May 31, 2017

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A compound word championed by Mr. Trump joining "cov" (a confirmation of sexual victory) to "fefe" (having sex with a rubber glove-lined sock in prison). Usually shouted late at night upon successful completion of the act

Teenager in bedroom: "incomprehensible grunting covfefe!!"

by yogurtman87 June 1, 2017

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Russian slang for fake news.

"CNN is Covfefe"

by Helter Ogroff May 31, 2017

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"Covfefe" is the nagging itch one gets, often appearing in an important persons ass crack, sometimes extending to the crotch creases, which one gets when said important person puts on enough weight so that they can no longer care for their own basic bodily needs by themselves.

Person 1 says: "Hey, is it me or is President Trump's golf game going south lately?"
Person 2 says: "Well, I'm no expert, but I've heard from an unnamed source that several world leaders say they heard he suffers from Covfefe and an another unnamed W.H. staff member is helping to 'clean up the dirt', if you know what I mean..."

by Gpod52 June 1, 2017

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Twittering and musturbeting at the same time.

Donald like to covfefe late at night while wife is sleeping.

by Rajabalak July 19, 2017

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