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When bats are believed to be the vector of the coronavirus to humans, which was first detected in a Wuhan lab in China, until a cover-up was no longer possible as whistleblowers risked their lives to report the rising number of infected and dead people to the outside world.

Fake leaders around the world never fail to scapegoat Covid-🦇 to rationalize the high number of infections and deaths in their own countries rather than because of their ineptitude or poor leadership in containing the pandemic crisis.

by MathPlus September 25, 2020

43👍 70👎


When the world hopes that Covid-19 would suffer the same fate as the dodo in 2021, as the coronavirus or its mutated deadlier version loses its fight against any new vaccine.

A global population approaching eight billion can’t wait to witness Covid-🦤, with thousands of them longing to visit the birthplace of the dodo for their holidays, whose flights to Mauritius were aborted due to Covid-19.

by Covido November 25, 2020

19👍 40👎


When Sweden initially adopted a laissez-faire approach to deal with the coronavirus crisis, by not imposing a lockdown, allowing non-essential businesses to operate, and making physical distancing optional, which resulted in a death rate that is five to six times higher than that of its Scandinavian neighbors.

Sweden’s controversial strategy of aiming for herd immunity while imposing few restrictions on its population to contain the Covid-🇸🇪 crisis had turned out to be a social experiment fiasco for its political leaders—its death rate had led its neighbors to keep their borders closed to the Swedish people and products.

by Covido April 7, 2021

18👍 40👎

Covid 19

A mental illness fueled by government propaganda, leading the masses to believe they are at risk of dying or killing other people. There for forcing people to rely on pharmaceutical companies for their health and wellness

Covid 19 will be extremely beneficial to some of the wealthiest people in the world.

by The man Dan 456 April 7, 2021

4👍 4👎


When the natives of Easter Island realized that with closed borders during the coronavirus pandemic they could no longer depend on tourism for their survival; as a result, they switched to tapu, an ancient Polynesian tradition that is based on protecting their health, their lives, and their elders’ wisdom, with spiritual restrictions and shared prohibitions at its core.

In the long term, COVID-🗿could be a blessing in disguise for Easter Island—which relies so heavily on mainland Chile for food, and its 100,000-odd annual tourists for income—to be self-sustainable and waste-free.

by Covido December 26, 2020

38👍 72👎


When some high-GDP countries whose low fertility rate is below their mortality rate are offering baby bonus cash gifts to their citizens who give birth during the coronavirus pandemic—the authorities don’t want the plague to prevent their nation from having “corona babies.”

Thanks to Covid-👶, Singaporean families could receive up to $35,000 as Baby Support Grant if they planned to add a new member to their family to help arrest the population decline.

by MathPlus October 11, 2020

39👍 87👎


When the coronavirus has had enough of the Liar- or Denier-in-Chief, who was given ample opportunity or warning to stop lying about the pandemic, and to start leading like a president in containing the crisis, prior to his infection.

Covid-19 couldn’t care less whether you are a president, prisoner, or priest; Covid-🤥 needed to give the president a wake-up call to prevent the country from witnessing a health apocalypse.

by MathPlus October 5, 2020

49👍 99👎