where semen go to die. the small of a slapper's back, but can include her arse as well. often adorned with a tramp stamp.
wow, even the prosta-tots have a shag-tag on Davy Jones’ Locker now-a-days!
8👍 8👎
When you’re passing that Dutchie to the left hand side. Smoking that good green. When they got you on pack watch. When Davis Tills got you it will damn near always be a great time.
“I been on that Davis Tillery Pack.” “Davis Tillery got me.”
this woman is know to be the sexiest female in existence. She is know for having the fattest set of tits and ass, Gods greatest creation.
“i wish i had zoiauna marie davis
is a polite, well-mannered, independent woman. She looks out for her friends because for some reason her "mommy" instinct has kicked in early in life. She puts everyone before herself and tries to help others in any way she can. She is very involved in activities and organizations. She also is very respectful and doesn't see herself as she should. Others see her as beautiful, but she tends to think otherwise and doesn't know how to react when people compliment her. Her biggest want in life is to be accepted and needed.
Kaitlin Faye Davis is passionate.
Davis is a fucking great friend, hes a fucking prankster and is a great boy. My pal, and Rachael dimeta baby peace
Davis W Behler just took a shit
Forcing a light bulb of any desirable size into a rectum and kicking it until it breaks
Bitch almost broke my dick so I gave her a dirty Humphrey Davy.