An immensely attractive black male rapper - 1 p who threw many very fun age-appropriate party even Justin Beiber went.
Diddy is my favorite raper
The term "diddy" is used to describe a stylish adult black male with gay and freaky fantasies. This term derives from a musical artist that describes the best example for this noun "P.Diddy"
A diddy just tried to touch me in my private areas.
Diddy is someone who repeatedly does it again but very few people know about it.
"Damn, Diddy done did it again"
Did he?
"Diddy did gone done did it again
Damn, I didn't know he did.
To get your diddy on means to basically do you, do what ever u feel u wanna do at that paticular time
thats my shit! bout to get my DIDDY ON
A slang based on p diddy’s allegations for sexual assault meaning to sexually assault someone
Robber: “yo man give the bodies that diddy treatment to see if they faking”