To suddenly abandon the romantic pursuit of a chick especially after losing interest or realizing a romance with her won't go anywhere. It can happen during an initial conversation with a girl or after a few series of attempts to pick her up. It's so sudden, the girl is often surprised or even unaware that you lost interest in her and she may still play hard to get not realizing that the game is already over, leaving her stunned about what just happened. The sudden abandonment can be compared to the quickness of dropping a hot potato.
"Weren't you just talking to that chick a few days ago? What happened?"
"That was a few days ago. She was playing too hard to get. I had to drop a chick!"
The act of violently slamming your cock onto a table. Usually a sign of anger and an attempt to show his male dominance. Not to be confused with a cock slap which is the act of slapping ones face with your cock.
Johnny hit a loud cock drop the other day. I thought he was about to beat the shit out of me.
The inevitable green shits that come after eating something with blue / black food coloring.
I'll be dropping a kermit any moment now after last night's epic Halloween WHOPPER BK feast.
A loose wet vagina that covers your penis and hangs over the sides.
"looks like a squid on a banana"
I shagged this bird last night and she had a dropped squid.
A place where skydiving is practised. Often abbreviated as DZ.
A drop zone consists usually of aerodrome and airplane maintaining facilities, landing site, manifest, clubhouse and social facilities, parachute packing hall and storage facilities.
Originally a military term for the target area where a paradrop is to be landed.
Tom, are you coming to the drop zone today after the work and do some jumps with me and Sarah? The weather report promises CAVOK until the sunset.
A poor method of attempting to create a recording from an alternative source recording. Often used by resellers who fake analog reel to reel tape or analog cassette recordings by transferring digital or vinyl records back to tape and claiming to new analog is from a master analog source.
I purchase the Pink Floyd R2R, but it turned out to just be a needle drop.
When you have drunk too much and you don’t want your drink topped up, just dropped up.
John.: would you like a top up?
Susan: Just a drop up thanks. I’m driving.