A specky little gremlin who sit inside all day and eats dominos and nonces on year 8’s
oi ellie salter u specky nonce
Some weirdo who like primark a bit to much and goes in there on his own most of the time for some odd reasoning.
Your lying like a ellis owen today.
Walking into the nearest restroom and dropping and absolute steamer of a mud monkey
I just dropped a poop also know as pulling an Ellie
Ellis, usually a racist young man Who is a bit of a spastic but can stop in public.
He may be attracted to some female but he is confused about his sexually and may be gay
Friend:you know ellis wright i think his cock is massive
Friend 2: yeah hes got a sexy smile too
Ellie is the most amazing person in the entire universe. She is strong and courageous. She is beautiful and extremely talented in everything she does. Her intelligence is so high it isn’t able to be justified with one single word.
Ellie is a true friend who will always be there for you; no matter what it is she will always try to help you out. She is awesome in absolutely everything; if you don’t get to meet an Ellie Rosewell then you will be missing out big time.
When you find Ellie Rosewell you have to hug her becasue she is Ellie Rosewell and she is amazing.
The coolest person you will ever meet. Very cool and nice and smart and beautiful .
“Did you hear what sally said, she’s a total Ellie Sahutske.”
Jenna Ellis is an American lawyer who is known for being a member of Donald Trump’s legal team. She was born on November 1, 1984 in Colorado and was homeschooled by her parents. She graduated from Colorado State University with a degree in journalism and from the University of Richmond with a law degree. She worked as a deputy district attorney in Weld County, Colorado and as a contract attorney for the US government. She also wrote a book called “The Legal Basis for a Moral Constitution” and taught at Colorado Christian University. She became a senior legal adviser for Trump in November 2019 and was involved in his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election results. She made several false and unsubstantiated claims about the election and was censured by the Colorado Supreme Court for her misconduct. She was also indicted by a grand jury in Georgia for allegedly participating in a criminal enterprise to interfere with the election.
"That was such a Jenna Ellis moment. Just sitting there watching Rudy Guiliani drip black ink."