Similar to the laws of thermodynamics, Evans Gnome is an immutable truth of the knowable universe:
"Nothing that only men like is cool."
Jim: "Joe Rogan and Elon Musk are playing Call of Duty."
Chad: "So?"
Steve: "Wow, that demonstration of Evan's Gnome was very astute."
Legend has it that if you touch Evan Halpenny good things come to you.... oh no wait nothing is better than Evan.
person: “is it a bird”?
“is it a plane”?
Me: “No bitch it’s Evan Halpenny”
A oceanic specimen who's been bred by two males , runs like he has 3 toes on one leg . He hopes to perform a Mexican Pancake on one of his brothers called Billy Evans
"look a Rhys Evans - half nonce half monkey who swings from tree to tree"
a simp for squidward tentacles
“yo is Evan Davidson going back to zoey again?”
Evan and kia are best friends, and will be best friends for ever, they should be inseparable and love each-other throughout everything, They will be there for each other during the toughest of times and live together in joy.
Cole: hey man don’t you think Evan + Kia are pretty good friends together?
Stacy: Yeah totally!!