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free republic

See Also: Hypocrisy
Free Rebublic is a particularly disgusting web site which is anything but "Free". The excuse made for the rampant censorship which takes place there regularly is most often that it is a privately owned site and thus not obligated to refrain from erasing any trace of thought that goes against it's own grain. OK. Fine. But don't claim that posts aren't erased and ideas aren't censored, because they are. Try a google search for "Free Republic Censorship", or even just "Free Republic". There are plenty of victims of this Orwellian memory hole out there. I know. I'm one of them.

see: www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1330481/posts

I tried to set the record straight for my friend Phil, and I was censored and banned THREE TIMES withing half an hour.

by Jason February 11, 2005

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free speech

The reason why that mostly 95% of the internet community are retarded, could barely type coherantly, or submit poor or completely irrelevant definitions to UrbanDictionary.com, thus transforming this site into a rudimentary flamefest.

When I typed in the definition of "gay" in the search box, I found results submitted by forum geeks defining the newest "n00b" who posted something in their "l33t" forum. Free speech on the web has gone too far!

by Chang Tan February 13, 2004

77๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž

free wheeling

when one does not wear the proper under garment underneath the shirt... or none at all

i.e. to describe free wheeling on/off on/off red light, green light, caution

by jcbd December 19, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Free Flaping

When i girl doesnt wear underwear

Shes free flaping, while todd there is free balling.

by READAAR March 8, 2006

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Free Day

The one day of the week where you break your diet and disregard all of your hard work and healthy caloric intake by consuming as much of whatever foods make you happy. "celery and grass do not count"

"It's my free day can we go to subway???"

"It's my free day, i do what i want!!"

by Free Subway July 5, 2009

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free cp

A free cream pie. Whenever a girl is on the good kind of birth control, you can shoot it inside her and it goes into outer space. She can't get pregnant

Guy 1- This new girl I'm talking to is on the good birth control. None of that pill shit.

Guy 2- oh shit! You about to get the free cp?
Guy 1- ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

by Solis2 March 14, 2017

12๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

scott free

scot free came from a tax that was payable in scotland many moons ago and if you got away with paying the tax you were said to have got away "SCOT FREE" i have used this saying many a time and even worse belive it or not my name is SCOTT FREE

did you get caught last night no i got away SCOTT FREE

by SCOTT FREE (UK) July 12, 2006

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