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Typically a person who loves anime, especially naruto, and lives cosplay. they take it as a insult but they are furrys.

β€œwow, that girl is a furry”

by Yessssssssssssir October 25, 2019

3πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

furry angels

Gods creatures that are sent to protect us. Aka; dogs, cats, etc.

I thank God for sending his furry angels into my life.

by jpg3 June 5, 2015

171πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Furry Trash

Once an insult against furries, it is generally accepted as a joke within the fandom with many furries calling themselves furry trash. Being "furry trash" is generally associated with an obsession of the furry fandom which can be cringy but does not need to be cringy. Alternatively, a furry may be furry trash if they do not care what hate they get for being a furry or may decide to call themselves furry trash just because they are a furry.

haha, I'm so furry trash.

by Michael Surfer December 12, 2017

190πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

I’m not a furry but

The sentence furries say before becoming one

I’m not a furry but I like this protogen video!

by AnonymousNumber2000 October 17, 2021

101πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A Skin-Furry is someone who is kind of like a furry, except that the naked skin of the woman (or man if you're a woman) is not fur, but colored skin. Only the face and tail is furry. The rest of the body is colored skin. They might even draw skin-furry art and porn of their favorite characters (like Coco Bandicoot, Tawna Bandicoot, Krystal Fox)

Fernando: Oh yeah! Tawna Bandicoot skin-furry porn is hot! Coco Bandicoot skin-furry porn is hot too! Krystal Fox skin-furry porn is hot!

Fernando: I'm a Skin-Furry!

by HawaiianPunch1 June 19, 2023

Furry bait

Media that attracts furries because of its use of anthropomorphic animals, which often leads to fan art and Rule 34. Most commonly used to describe animated movies created by studios.

Did you see that new kid’s movie? It’s blatant furry bait!

by WackyFolf April 18, 2022

furry war

The conflict between gamers and furries. The guys do the fighting and the girls mass produce sandwiches. This war has taken many lives on both sides but both factions continue to hammer each other with weapons. The gamers have the infinity gauntlet on their side and will use it as a last resort.

β€œGet this info to HQ, we can’t lose the furry war!”

by Ya Boi Campuss! November 11, 2018

420πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž