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kinky Hitler

Whilst getting a blow job, you pull out at the moment of orgasm spraying cum on your partners top lip.

I think she might be a nazi, she wanted a kinky Hitler last night.

by dicKTackers January 25, 2015

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Sneaky Hitler

When you fart under the duvet covers and pull it over your girlfriend/boyfriends head.

Dude I pulled a sneaky hitler on my girlfriend last night. It was funny as hell!

by SneakyHitler November 8, 2016

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soggy hitler

When one ejaculates on another's face between the nose and the mouth. Thus causing a soggy hitler.

The soggy hitler caused a bad rash for Wendy's face between her mouth and nose.

by Scruffmcballs January 13, 2014

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Adolf Hitler

A crazy man who killed Jewish people for no reason.

Adolf Hitler:I'm going to take over the world by killing Jews for no reason!

by Sonicfan88 December 28, 2009

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Hitlers Helper

A 'Hitlers Helper' is performed when, whilst sleeping... usually when a friends sleeping over your house or vice versa. The crime is commited though, by sticking your finger up your poop shoot; preferrably the thumb, and streaking the tainted fingers across the victims face, smearing your stink juice in a fashion such to resemble Hitlers mustache. When your victim awakes early in the morn, he'll find himself with some newly smeared shat on his grill, and sporting a new fashionable mustache.(also known as the 'stank stache.')

"What the fuck is that smell???"
"Hahaahahahah hail hitler.. you've just gotten shat smeared on your face a.k.a. a hitlers helper"

by Ms. Galloway May 18, 2006

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Chocolate Hitler

When a man invades your Polish tunnel and you offer no resistance

i had a chocolate hitler last night.

by Revengerer May 29, 2009

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Off the Hitler

When someone puts another person in extreme physical pain.

Man, when Tom rammed his fist into Bob's nutsack, it was off the Hitler.

by bodhicide January 13, 2005

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