Asthma of the home is a game in which you do nothing in your house because you have asthma.(This a Reference to Breath of the wild)
Larry:”I played Asthma of the home yesterday I was pretty boring”.
Tom:”Yah I was going to get it until I saw the reviews”.
A fucking English specky teacher
Who abuses the teacher ability
Oh shit it's Charlotte homes can't wait to get abused again
A guy that never leaves his home.
That nigga never leave his house. He’s a Home Jerome.
The Never Ending Story Australian Edition!
Did you know there are 5805 episodes of home and away at the time of writing this? Given that the average episode is 22 minuets long it would take 2 128.5 hours to go from episode 1 to the most recent episode. That's 88 days of doing nothing but watching Home and Away!
"home and away is on"
everyone under the age of 50 leaves the room
No idea what it means but Lil Wayne says it so it must be cool :o
Yeah you know..
If u feeel like u tha best,
go ahead n do tha weezy wee n
24👍 36👎 declare your tools offlimits or to claim you dont have any when someone wants to borrow yours
2. to give a hint that you dont care or dont have time to help look for lost tools when ask to help find them
Another words " home depot will at least tell you which isle its in and be more than happy to sale it to you"
3.another way to tell a person figure it out on your own, or go ask someone who cares, if asked for advice on how to do something. because home depot employees claim to care, try to help, and are convinced that they know everything, you have a hammer i can use?
no, home depot does
2.Will you help me find a hammer?
no, Home depot will
3.Do you know how to fix this?
no,home depot knows
13👍 17👎