When other people ask why your wearing shorts in 62° weather
Someone who isnt affected by the cold
Bro, why are you wearing shorts in December 😐
Im from Minnesota 🤷 ♂️
something mady came up with that no one else can say
joshing instead of joking
"my dog died"
"im just joshing with you"
A very famous quote often said by no other than the epitome of beauty, and a literal prince, Kim Taehyung from best selling group BTS
Interviewer: who are you?
Taehyung: Hi I'm V and im a good boy
When you get the wrong idea from an instant message you read on myspace or other networking site.
Man 1:Dude,Fred said he was going out with all his guy friends to have a good time. He's so gay!
Man 2: No he meant he was going for a guys night out,your mis-IM-terpretation is retarded
Man 1: Ohhhh