1.)To trick or fool someone in a funny way where the party being tricked has no idea but others know.
2.)When someone is unknowingly the butt of a joke whilst other laugh and mock them behind their back
Damn she just got sugar looped so hard. She doesn't even know that he's just being nice to get what he wants.
Did you just hear me sugar loop the shit out of her she thinks we are friends.
Every conspiracy theory can be presented as a conspiracy itself.
A: I'm telling you, there are aliens in Area 51, it's no conspiracy theory.
B: No, the conspiracy theory is a conspiracy theory, it's what they want you to think.
A: You are just using the Conspiracy-Loop Argument.
Meaning your family tree is a circle, to define someone who is not smart!
This gurl married her cousins , she has loop Root ! (Hoop root)
When you're out drinking, get home and want to rehydrate and crash, but you end up peeing and getting more water and repeating the last two steps.
"You look sleepy, man."
"Yeah, I went out late and tried to sleep ASAP but I got stuck in a peedback loop."
The phenomena where an individual Scams people, gets exposed by CoffeeZilla or another journalistic party of integrity. The individual will then apologize profusely to the accuser and promise to make things right. Afterwards, after some time, the individual will return to pursue legal-action against the accusing party. What can we call it?
- Did you hear about stevewilldoit yet ?
- Yes i heard he did a full logan's loop
To take, pick up, or gather with great ease, especially a collection of objects which need to be both gathered and taken.
Facilitator: "I wonder where can I find a recipe on how to create a twiki page"
Gabriele: "The easiest would be to loop up last year's, and take its name, put it into the "jump to" field at the top right."
Facilitator: "what does loop up mean?"