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sea monkey

little brine shrimp that come with a variety of different tanks.

basically the coolest thing ever.

they can live for a long time, and they get their groove on and have baby sea monkeys.

my sea monkeys are so much cooler than yours.

my sea monkeys are mating!

you ass, you dumped my sea monkeys down the drain!!

by tabbo January 5, 2006

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Monkey Feet

Feet that have the ability to grasp, cling, pinch, throw, scratch,pick and slap just as well as the hands.

Michelle Ward has monkey feet.

by moisttowelette April 18, 2010

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monkey rush

A variation in the football goalkeeper position used in some informal football games (the most important kind). Monkey rush describes when the position of goalkeeper is filled by the player who happens to be closest to their own goal. The person temporarily filling the role of monkey rush may use their hands inside the pre-agreed designated goalkeeper area. The position of monkey rush applies to whoever is closest to their own goal, and can be rotated amongst the players whenever they like. The rule must be agreed before a game starts, as must the goalkeeper area.

Roger: Okay Daddy, you go in goal, Mummys team are putting dirty Uncle Berti in goal.

Daddy: I dont want to get stuck in goal

Roger: Okay, we can rotate goalkeeper, you go first.

Daddy: No fucking way.

Roger: Rush keeper then. You come out when ever you want.

Daddy: No, Roger. Lets Play monkey rush. Who ever is back furthest goes in. Ask Mummy if she agrees.

by Lukic Lobo April 24, 2009

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monkey mania

When a young man attempting to impress females flaunts his abilities to consume large amounts of alcohol all while displaying his strength and vocal abilities.

Young male gorillas in the zoo commonly display monkey mania in their pursuit to mate.

Other examples of monkey mania can be seen in freshman College males at their first college party.

cutty 1- Bro did you hear Dtrain went monkey mania up in tahoe last week?

cutty 2- yeah bro i hreard he shattered a window with his elbow, smashed a door down, smoked a pack and shot gunned like ten brews.

cutty 1- yeah bro and he didnt even get any punanny

by d@t_N1gg4_j1G$ August 12, 2009

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Shift Monkey

Noun - A person who constantly, and un-necessarily, shifts the gears in there car violently. In most cases they are young adults who do not know, but believe they know, how to drag, race, rally, or drift their vehicles.

John's going to drop his transmission if he keeps acting like a Shift Monkey.

by Guercioni October 23, 2005

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Mulch monkey

Someone who can't do anything right,they are unevolved and are basically useless.

"Man Domonik is such a mulch monkey"

by Iamtheonethatmakesyou September 9, 2016

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Freezing the monkey

Having sex with a snowman.

Friend: So what did you do after getting drunk last night?
Me/you: Dude I ended up Freezing the monkey!
Friend: ummmm oooookkkk...

by SLURP/MOIST August 11, 2019

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