He is an introvert around new people but eventually will become extroverted once he is comfortable. He is very observant and is a great listener. He is a sweet and creative person and is eager to learn new things but he can sometimes be too friendly and be confused with a simp but really he is just friendly.
He has a shy-stage but once he builds his confidence then he will love you like never before.Neo low-key has a freaky and touchy side but just doesn’t show it to some people and if he falls for you then he falls for you hard but if you mess things up ,it will break his heart and there is no going back unless he hasn’t fully forgotten about you.He is an amazing lover and will love his partner like nobody else but tends to keep his distance in fear of heartbreak/rejection.
Neo has bit of a crazy psycho side but it doesn’t interfere with his life although his anger sometimes gets the best of him, he also has a goofy side.Neo also treats his closest bros like his brothers, and most things his bros says have an impact on his life.
Sometimes Neo doesn’t feel good enough but won’t tell anyone and he tends to get in his feelings when listening to R&B music.
He is an extra-ordinary person, a one of a kind.If you ever meet a Neo keep him within sight because you will never find anyone like him.
Neo was awfully quiet today and that’s not like him
These spedi men love white for over 300 years Neo’s have loved the Jansens
Simply means no but less harsh
"Hey tracey are you coming to the mall today?"
Tracey: Neo sorry I can't.
Simply means no but less harsh
"Hey tracey are you coming to the mall today?"
Tracey: Neo sorry I can't.
A rotund chap with a bad attitide, more often than not has an unusually large foreskin and a general aroma of smoked meat.
I'd avoid that bloke over there, he's a right Neo
What's your problem, no need to be such a Neo