Source Code

No Consequences Night

No consequences night can be called amongst a group of friends which will absolve them from any debauchery that takes place during this evening as a result of drinking. This includes but is not limited to: hooking up with friends, breaking things, confessions, fights, etc.

Dude I'm so pissed at you for making out with my ex girlfriend.
It was no consequences night
...you're right. It's ok.

by Amilano June 4, 2010

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night watcha

cops who seek at night

night watcha around the corner on the block

by Hg19 December 17, 2008

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monday night

monday night is for weed, pot, and/or marijuana. Never be weed-less on mondays.

Dude. I'm up for some Monday Night.

by Pooja Yo May 5, 2007

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neverwinter nights

Great game.

Too bad it was made by freakin' Bioware - The only damn company to make elves with BEARDS.

by i_lyk_cheeze April 21, 2004

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a person who is the epitome of the super nightmare

Andi is such a night-fuck. She steals money from Pete to buy drugs from Paul , then she gets sick in my kitchen and down the steps she falls.

by provider44 January 17, 2010

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scary in the night

Anything that is normally viewed as harmless, cute, or whimsical, but when seen at night in the shade of darkness appears as "scary in the night."
Anything viewed in daylight that, when imagined being viewed at night would seem scary.

The paint-by-number image of a clown my brother made when he was 10 years old was scary in the night.

by Matt Eros October 24, 2007

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Night Witches

Undetected, unexpected
Wings of glory
Tell their story
Aviation, deviation
Stealth perfected
From the depths of hell in silence
Cast their spells, explosive violence
Russian night time flight perfected
Flawless vision, undetected!

Germans:I Fear no man,but that thing *night witches* it scares me

by LeafyBoi June 12, 2020

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