Source Code

boob sympathy

The faint,lingering of pain that a woman gets when another woman has boob trauma.

when jenny had her boob cut off during the war, her fellow soldier felt boob sympathy

by Cynthia Rosendosendale November 12, 2007

31๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

boob flexing

A woman who can lift flex her boobs WITHOUT the use of her hands or a bra.

Kevin: "hey jack."
Jack: "what ?"

Kevin: "Laura is inside doing some MAJOR boob flexing. She's really good at it !"

Jack: "God bless America"

by The Paradox March 18, 2008

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Boob Body

When a person (mostly women) has soft, squishy skin on their entire body that resembles the feeling of a boob.

Ewww...I just touched Nicole's arm and she totally has boob body.

by JerkInTheCorner September 16, 2010

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side boob

n. What is seen when a topless woman (or very fat man) turn far enough to the side to see the breast, but not the nipple. Many movies, in order to keep a PG-13 rating, show only side boob. Braless women who wear sleeveless t-shirts are notorious for side boob.

"My roommate's girlfriend was wearing his muscle shirt without a bra. It was side boob city."

by FuryOfDerwin September 15, 2005

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christmas boobs

a man is entitled to viewing at least one PAIR of brests on christmas, because we all know the rest of the gifts pretty much suck.

i was disappointed because i got no christmas boobs this year

by buckett_t._great December 29, 2009

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teardrop boobs

Boobs that are shaped like a tear, small at the top with a gradual increase in size to have a rounded bottom.

"Those teardrops can't be real"
"Honey, will you buy my some teardrop boobs?"

by Tramod September 9, 2004

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quadra boob

It's what happens when a too small bra is used on a too big boob squeezing two perfectly round boobs into four smaller ones.

Honey, your bra is way too tight, but nice set of quadra boobs!

by Mydaho May 6, 2007

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