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oliver walker

a very fit man who pulls loads of women

omg oliver walker is so fit i wanna SHD so bad

by oliver walker December 20, 2022

Olive Fever

A case when a non-olive person is attracted to people of "olive" descent. People of Olive Descent include: Middle Easterns , North Africans, Arabs, Balkans and most Southern Europeans (Italians, Greeks, Spaniards, Etc.) Most who have olive fever are attracted to the thick, dark and curly hair of the olive people. Olive Fever is usually treated by having some sort of relationship with an olive person, it is cured if one is satisfied while or after the random type of relationship.

Boy #1: That guy has mad Olive Fever!

Boy #2: Why?
Boy #1: She has never dated anyone who was not Arab.

by thegoatwhoisgreat2000 October 23, 2017

oliver hawkey

Absolute legend, has a massive penis

Oh my god is that oliver Hawkey, what a great guy.

by OHawk18 February 25, 2018

Olive Branch

A symbol of peace extended to warring factions of the valley of paradise. Urunganese women are known for their very strong opinions and brutal slap downs but always hope for follow up conversations to grow and learn.

As fierce and as prickly they can be to their neighbouring bellovictorians, they know that they will one day encounter them drinking beer on neutral ground and therefore would like to offer a peace treaty.

Erica (with big hair) offers Nicholas (with great banter but shit jokes) an olive branch.

by Urunganese December 5, 2020

Olive Branch

No I really thought you were leading up to some kind of olive branch but, no, you're just doubling down. Well... You know what they say...

Hym "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me."

Iam "Disappointing.."

Hym "No, I really did think there was an olive branch thing going on here but no. Your trying to claim that this is me trying to achieve unearned virtue but I don't even know there were accolades for me to claim until your stupid ass said my name and MADE IT ABUNDANTLY CLEAR that there are accolades that can be attributed to me and that you're withholding them from me because you think I don't deserve it. That's just you projecting a motive onto me that I didn't have initially. And the funniest part is that I was going to stop writing forever. After I was fired. I was going to stop writing. I started deleting my posts but I ended up getting bored a quarter of the way through so I just said screw it. You never would have heard from me again if you wouldn't have had Andy Ngo on and said my name. But I think you know that. I think you take great pleasure in denying me and you wanted me to know that I had these things that I could potentially claim. Well, NOW I KNOW. And I refuse to accept anything other that credit for the things I've inspired. That plan backfired didn't it? When it comes to unearned privilege you throw your hands in the air and say 'Oh, well, there's nothing we can do about it' but when it comes to 'unearned virtue' it needs to be militantly socially regulated because people who game the system are bad but people gaming the system for their kids by way of nepotism is virtuous."

by Hym Iam September 9, 2022

Olive Branch

A fancy name used for a mans penis

Joey was tanked lastnight after three cups of tequila. At one point he was walking around the hotel room with three "Do Not Disturb" signs hanging on his OLIVE BRANCH.

by SausageLinks October 13, 2022

Oliver Bryant

An advanced human being that is naturally gifted with sporting talents and the capability to reach goals the every day human can't as they are a smart being with boosted intelligence. This human is especially an aquatic wonder known for a good throwing arm.

The human won the Olympics like an Oliver Bryant

by World natural phenomenon group August 15, 2021