Winning a game with the least amount of effort acting like it is going to be difficult using a strenuous posture to fake out the opponent.
I thought it was gonna be a smashing pong and instead I got pinged.
Racial slur for chinese-koreans
Guy 1: Ugh what a ping-pyong.
Guy 2: What the hell man you cant say that!
Sorey for the ping, why do you have YeetdisDude on the team? 😂 you do realize he skids mods from skids from the GG script server and puts it into his menu.
Anyway it's funny to see where he ended up, literally the worst skid in history of pg3d. It's sad because he used to make fun of them but then he ended up as one.
I'm here to tell you this.
You guys do realize, I can guarantee most people who
Buy this menu will create maybe like 9999 stacked accs then sell it.
They will create a bunch of accs secretly then sell.
They wont need to worry if their liscense is gone.
Azubi Ping Pong findet immer dann statt, wenn 2 Betreuer eines Azubis ihre Differenzen nicht direkt aussprechen und immer den Azubi als Boten zum anderen schicken. Der Azubi fungiert somit als Überbringer der schlechten Nachricht und wird wie ein Ping Pong Ball unter Anschissen hin und her geschlagen.
X und Y spielen schon wieder Azubi Ping Pong mit mir
a variation of the sport ping pong where the ball serve is a baseball-style pitch by the server.
Later tonight, we'll go ping pong pitching at your place.
A term used among the discord community. Ping reeing is when somebody excessively bitches about being pinged.
person a:
“oH nO i GoT pInGeD 1 TimE GuYs iM gOiNg To dIe”
person b:
“stop ping reeing you miserable bastard, go outside and touch some grass”