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Wolf Run

The act of running,sprinting, or jogging on a full moon night, completely in the nude. Participators may or may not where tennis shoes for comfort. Preferred method to run is with a group or "pack".

I'm going on a wolf run tonight. Are you going to the wolf run?

by Constantine1230 May 12, 2015

Running to the tip

Running to the tip is where a woman licks from a mans asshole all the way up to the tip of his cock. Usually after receiving a rimjob.

Mariam was Running to the tip before I came down her throat.

by Q-Dog January 9, 2015

run belly

Caribbean term for diarrhea or loose bowels.

"All that liquor is giving me run belly."

by ScorpioSista July 7, 2018

The Nobhead run

When you see a car coming they stop and for you to look like a okay guy you put your hand up to thank them and jog at the same walking speed.

Guy 1: (in a car) Fucksake hate it when they do the nobhead run

by BiGBoobTange June 11, 2018

cigarette run

When the family patriarch leaves his family with the excuse of getting a pack of cigarettes.

Gob left went on a cigarette run, leaving his baby mama and his child behind.

by 5buckis5bucks March 12, 2018

Dump and run

The act of dumping Amazon parcels on a customer’s door step, knocking and running away before they answer.

(When delivering with my girlfriend - me acting as driver, her as parcel organiser and deliverer) “You know the drill! DUMP AND RUNNN!!”

by Flextramile December 16, 2021

run of shame

the "run of shame" comes from the walk of shame but means something quite diffrent.

the run of shame is where the shame is so apparrent the solition entails running. this can happen in a number of diffrent ways. foot ball is a good example

You are innocently walking through the park and a nearby game a football is in motion and the ball flies in your general direction. You have a choice.
a. ignore the ball
b. kick the ball back trying to look as talented as possible

c. try and stop the ball and carefully pass it back trying not to look to silly.
You choose option b, you attempt to smash the ball as hard as one can to reach the football game eagerly awaiting the return of there ball. you fail you miss hit the ball spectacularly falling over and the ball goes even future away from the football game, you possibly break or deflate the ball in the process, lose the ball, or simply look bad at football in front of lots of people. The shame caused by this is over whelming the only thing appropriate is to run hard after the miss hit ball and pray you don’t make the same mistake again. “The run of shame”
Example 2. You run, you shoot at goal, you miss and it goes miles past the keeper, without stopping you continue to retrieve the epic fail of a shot, hopefully getting the ball back will redeem the fail. This is the "run of shame"
Example 3 you kick the ball over an impassable obstacle (fence, lake, country border), before anyone can get cross with you for ruing the game you commence the “run of shame” knowing full well there is no getting the ball back.

by funnyhippo February 21, 2011