to dunk one's hand into a glass of milk to retrieve an accidentally dropped cookie to prevent it from getting soggy
*drops cookie ito water
"Fuck it, i'm seal team six-ing this"
Intelligence incomprehensible to the average human. The squad with great leaders who could conquer all.
Seal Team Six is at it again.
The coolest seal to ever live; being in the presence of this wonderful being is simply a blessing to all organisms on Earth. Lazy Seal is only one of a kind and can commonly be found wandering around in Boe Brigade, the home of the many other wonderful creatures to ever step foot on the soil of our planet (Except for Lazy Seal, because he's cool and doesn't need legs).
Is that Lazy Seal? Oh my god he's so cool and amazing, I wish I could be like Lazy Seal!
a small youtube channel made by a dumb ass
seal seal needs to get a life
when my friend sucks a dick super hard senior seal cock
when the man gets sucked by me (ur mom) senior seal cock