The type of person who avoids online trends without fail, who never hops on the social media bandwagon, and who above all else, never shares on their stories. Stephen is a name that means literally anything you want it to, especially if you're getting your definition from a crowd-sourced, meme-intended, web-based dictionary.
(Pronounced like a "v" not an "f")
Wow, can you believe Stephen just blocked me for sharing a harmless goof on my story?
An anorexic nonce, Loves to befriend teenagers. Has knee's bigger than his head. Stinks of unwashed scrotum and stale weed.
Girl 1: I'm talking to a guy
Girl 2: Oh? What's his name?
Girl 1: Stephen
Girl 2: Oh god no, that Stephen is a big nonce
Girl 1: Gee! Thanks for the heads up!
A male who will rip your heart out and step on it not caring if you're hurt
"man Stephen really broke her huh?
"maybe at first but she is getting back on her feet"
someone that has similar features to a bird (particularly a pigeon) that will fight for the love he feels regardless of it being reciprocated or not. Will continue to say they love you after one date.
You need to stop right now, you’re being a Stephen...
stephen is a big boi with a huge two-sided belly, but very hot. he eats buckets of curry in his free time and his stream goes backward. you can usually find him under a muscular shrek's bed
stephen is raju
People with the name Stephen are scientifically proven to be the smartest most amazing great at everything sexy drop down gorgeous of all people in the world and guaranteed to have atleast an 11 inch cock
Do you know Stephen? Of course i do he is amazing at everything and hes really good in the bed