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Super Straight

A man or woman who claims to only be attracted to someone who’s biologicaly the opposite sex, but is really a homosexual with a major bondage kink

Hey bro I heard you were straight right?

Nah bro I’m super straight ;)

Ooooh okay I’ll get the rope ;)

by Super Straight-phobic March 7, 2021

184πŸ‘ 8017πŸ‘Ž

straight shooter

A common kind of pipe used for smoking crack cocaine, so named because of its simple cylindrical shape.

Gas stations openly sell straight shooter crack pipes by sticking a paper flower inside and selling them as cheesy souvenirs.

by Chris Meador June 8, 2005

158πŸ‘ 123πŸ‘Ž

straight chirp'n

A genius ad campaign created by the clever folks over at Boost Mobile designed to sell more phones to the African American demographic.

To be chirped is to be called via the phones walkie talkie which emits a street savvy *CHIRP*

"y0 dawg, I straight chirped you an hour ago"
"sorry holmez, I was too busy purchasing some orange juice to mix with my Old E"

by OnoSendai February 2, 2006

19πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Straight Strommed

Straight strommed: The act of getting screwed over, or dating a nasty skanky blue waffled married women for way too long. Then allowing her children to call you daddy!

Tom realized he had been straight strommed when Tara told him she was pregnant and had herpies.

by The Gooder Sanctuary July 14, 2010

16πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

straight tripping

Straight trippin, with a Caucasian pronunciation.

White guy #1: Didn't I see you at Starbucks today?

White guy #2: Yes, actually. And I had four Venti nonfat lattes.

White guy #1: Oh my goodness, you must be straight tripping!

by B.S. December 9, 2004

16πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

super straight

The β€œsexuality” of someone who gets 0 bitches

β€œhey what’s your sexuality?”

β€œoh i’m super straight πŸ˜ˆβ€

by ifuckinghatesuperstraights March 18, 2021

40πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

super straight

I straight cis boy who's never been close to a woman and doesn't wash their ass when they shower because it's "gay"

Kyle Royce on TikTok claims he is super straight when, in fact, he's just transphobic.

In this example, Kyle Royce is giving a fancy title, "super straight," to being transphobic.

by pe0plesuck March 8, 2021

37πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž