When youre on your back with someone laying ontop of you, predominantly using your chest as a pillow.
I prefer chest cuddles over spooning
A female who has ether very small B cups or less
“Josh she has no chest”
“flatter than your dad”
“She dad chested”
The frontal upper torso of a homosapien topped with lasagna. Chest lasagna is often served with a side salad and your choice of dressing.
Corrie: I want some chest lasagna.
Ashley: Yo this message out of context is crazy.
Corrie: Context is for normies.
Ashley: Also I as well am game for some chest lasagna.
A term used to describe the visual of a women wearing a low cut top revealing an unusually long cleavage area creating the illusion of a plumbers butt crack.
Oh, hell nah dog. Check it out. Felicia has a plumber’s chest.
Jim’s got shit in the chest, no one can get anything out of him.
The action you do after drinking lemon flavored propel. It is also used as a kind gesture saying to someone they should drink propel with you.
Im gonna hit my chest after i drink propelHitting Chest after Drinking Propel
When your chest is so muffed up you look like a pidgeon.
Dude your pidgeon chest is messed up.