Bullies kids in the juniors grabs people's balls
Stop you're such a Liam morris
Another word for the "40-Year-Old Virgin. Liam Donnelly is well known for his overly large ears and depressing relationships with women. He cannot hold a steady conversation for more than 2 minutes, thus leading to his lack of social skills.
-Big Moey
Who's awkward that guy? Oh it must be Liam Donnelly
the best footballer to ever grace the earth. captain of leeds united, liam cooper is truly the best of all time.
i wish liam cooper would shag me, he is so good at football - bea#0008
A mean kid who will complain about his problems to people who have worse problems, he will ruin your friendship and is a ugly eat cockroach! Never be friends with him
Liam Akers: "Hi I am Liam Akers!"
You: 'he is so mean to me'
Stop texting so many girls you are becoming a liam palumbo
A maneuver in the game rocket league where one person rolls the ball over their own goal to lead the opposing team towards your goal, leaving an open net for you to score. (Note: this strategy only works when you want it too.)
Finn: "No way, The Liam Strat actually worked!"
Liam: "Yes, it did."