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Four Q

Euphamism for people too hung up to say "fuck you."

"Four Q, you mutha," he said insultingly.

by The Doctor March 2, 2005

2👍 10👎

hit em with the four

Auston Matthews

Auston Matthews

Hit em with the four like Auston Matthews

Skrt skrt skrt skrt!

Person 1: Hit em with the four like Auston Matthews

Person 2: ?

by mrs. marner April 30, 2019

Four Fingered KitKat

1. The act of fingering a girl using four fingers.
2. A word to describe a large/loose vagina.

1. "Man, you won't believe what happened last night! I did the four fingered kitkat to 2 girls at the same time! That party was blazing!"
2. "Yeah dude, last night was mental! I was about to get with Laura when she whapped out her four fingered kitkat! Even I wasn't drunk enough to tap that shit."

by BusinessTime100 February 20, 2011

phase four effect

The effect that makes women look attractive when they really aren't. Also causes lapses in judgement and a false sense of pride. Most severe cases are found in Monterey, CA

i can't believe i slept with that 400 lbs one eyed broad with the moustache... phase four effect must have struck me

by sad soldier PF00111 September 23, 2011

foure pi cours

A direct french translation of the phrase:'' fuck and run''. A good advice that you would give to your buddy,on what he should do with a certain girl. a girl that would be fun for one night, yet the troubles of the following days would become to much of a hassle if you would become in contact with her after sex.

yeah man, she is hot.... FOURE PI COURS!!

by g-unit-fo-life February 26, 2009

Four window fart

an anal emission that is so putrid that all four windows of a motor vehicle have to be opened simultaneously.

While we were driving, my wife let out a four window fart. Two windows would not be sufficient to evacuate the stink.

by Dirk Olson February 8, 2011

four dollar words

Fancy words from top feeders

Every job has a position one that blueprints you the correct word if you utter a maleappropriatism

Four dollar words

by Tonythetiler December 11, 2021