“Daddy, what is a gym lad?” The girl asked.
“Jake... Jake Clarke, Daughter.” Replied the father, with Somber in his voice.
A Gym Lad!!! eats sleeps the gym, he is sometimes a very strange creature that posts selfies of themselves on social media to gain attention from people that he has never met in his life. If you find yourself near a Gym Lad!!! your best bet is to run away as his obnoxious behaviour is extremely bewildering.
The Gym Lad!!! lifted the barbell and grunted heavily.
A moped-riding man with long ropes of nasal hair. Top Lad Ewic is also known for his skills in net, advanced linguistics, and his connoisseurship of fine crisps. Top Lad Ewic also has an eye for nice-haired young lads in blue jeans. A good friend to all, unless he's busy with his dad.
Would you mind if I hung a bell from your nose-ropes, Top Lad Ewic?
a person that live in bellambi , nsw
aka scum??? and just all round no good people
-"fuck of fuck bellza lad, scum"
A wee cheeky mate who thinks hes all hard and tough, a true wee hard laddy, they always have the scouse trim
Person 1: Ayush is the hardest lad in all of northern ireland
Person 2: what a cheeky mate, what a hard lad, hes gonna have a cheeky nandos with usman and mohanned yeah