Source Code

Dumb egg

The thing you call someone when they are being really dumb

Cut it out you dumb egg

by Omlstahp May 19, 2018

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egg gang

Egg gang originated from @world_record_egg who on instagram holds the most liked photo, prior to the Egg was Kylie Jenner with the amount of 18mil likes, as of now our fellow Egg holds over 35mil likes of just.. an Egg

me: Egg gang for days
random: Egg gang?
me; Yeah that instagrammer who surpassed 18mil likes of just an Egg!

by yummyecstacy January 15, 2019

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egg churner

a sexual position where the male puts his testicles in the females nasal and shakes. This is a very common used position, and from experience i 100% recommend it!

"Hey babe do you want to do the egg churner?"
"Yes baby i have been waiting to do this for a while now."

by sexualmasterjelly August 9, 2018

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Egg wash

Where two or more bald gay men shower together

I heard domonik and his dad had a egg wash last night.

by Fat old drongo May 15, 2019

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a modern day mystic warrior who uses Chinese black magic to battle the evil spirit Lo-Pan.

"You never could beat me, Egg-Shan."

--quote from Lo-Pan after a heated battle

by Eli Whitney June 6, 2005

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egg hunters

A word me and a friend made up for the simple term semen

I hoe your egg hunters were never good at easter egg hunts.

by UEGIEAgf June 25, 2005

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egg snot

The clear and sometimes cloudy, viscous, sticky, uncooked white of an egg. Under cooked sunny-side-up egg.

"Gross! I ordered my eggs sunny-side up...not egg snot! I need a tissue for this, not toast!"

by C.Palmer May 16, 2007

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