Personal interaction that causes male genitalia to retreat as in jumping into an ice-cold pool.
When she told me she only liked donkey-dick, I quickly went cold turtle!
In the furry community turtle tussy means a femboy turtles genetalia
When your getting head and your penis gets bit so it shrivels up like a turtle going into its shell.
She gave me a Gerth turtle
Turtle lee means is short ,eyes are small and he plays video games sucks.
Turtle Lee is sucks
The act of being so high/drunk that once upon your back, you are rendered incapable of getting yourself back to the appropriate angle
"He was so high last night he had a full on turtling out episode"
After you buttfuck Senator Mitch McConnell you make him go ass to mouth, that's the Dirty Turtle.
I was two miles up ole Mitch's dirt road when I when flipped him North to South and he gave me a Dirty Turtle!
It’s a turtle with wings and a hotdog as a neck. They fly and appear when you’re high.
Bro I smoked so much I can see pork turtles.