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bit bucket

Where the internet goes to die.

My packets keep riding the tubes right into the ol' bit bucket. God rest their little souls.

by Mr. WAT May 1, 2008

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Bucket of puppies

Something completely worthless that you would throw away gleefully.

Inspired by the video of a young woman pitching puppies from a bucket into a river.

-"Man, James totally abandoned his girlfriend at the bar last night."
-"Yeah, he treated her like a bucket of puppies."

by DogLover2k10 September 1, 2010

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Bucket of Weird

A person, but may also apply to a situation marked by extreme geekiness, weirdness, lacking in social skills, or normalcy.

Did you talk to that guy on the street holding the sign? Talk about a bucket of weird. or I saw the new vampire flick, what a bucket of weird.

by Rxist January 11, 2011

bucket balls

A small car and or vehicle that is crouded or overwellmed with testosterone.

That Mini Cooper that just pulled up was nothing but bucket balls.

by the fonzzz March 26, 2011

skin bucket

The large variety of a females vagina.

I had to strap a plank to my ass so i didnt fall in... She had a skin bucket

by Gary griffin esq March 20, 2014

Piss Bucketeer

Like a soggy biscuit, the game of piss bucketeer involves a group of men around a bucket. Each must piss into the bucket going around the circle until someone runs out. Whoever is the first unable to pee must drink the contents of the bucket, either straight or through a beer bong.

Leah: Michael and the guys played piss bucketeer last night.
Andre: who lost?
Leah: Jared, apparently he only made it halfway down before puking.

by spiders&socks November 28, 2021

Penis Bucket

A male that attracts multiple of other homosexual men.

"Omg, look at Willy, hes a total penis bucket, all the gay guys want to jump on him!"

by xoRaveGirlxo March 31, 2012