Any Halloween trick-or-treater who is clearly too old to be asking you for candy. Candy Cougars could be anyone who is legally old enough to have a job, vote, drive a car, is pregnant, and is at your door asking for free candy.
Yeah we had some candy cougars this Halloween. Most of them came after 9pm.
In the mmorpg World of Warcraft, an instant health regenerater (also sometimes refered to as pots) created by a Warlock.
"Oh look, lock candy!"
said the failadin to the huntard.
A derogatory label applied to a person prone to inappropriately storing candy in their undergarments, usually for the illicit enticement of minors.
He can't go within 200 feet of a playground or school 'cause he's a candi pantz.
Small pieces of candy or pills that have been stored in some guys sweaty foreskin for consumption later.
hey who brought the valiums? Oh, Bob did. Be forewarned, it may taste funny. Its bag candy!
Something you do not want, usually stored in a woman's bra
Tiffany:"Here, have a couple spare quarters I had. "
Justin:"Girl I don't want your titty candy."
One attracted to the under aged. A Peadophile.
'Haha look at your Dad's moustache, what an utter Candy Dangler'
Pokemon caught in Pokémon Go for the soul purpose of gathering candies.
If this Pikachu doesn't have a CP of at least 450 its going to become candy fodder for my 443 Pikachu.