To take a lot of damage , either emotional,financial or physical(mostly in video games)
Arthur: James your ex just put your credit card information on twitter.You got Chunked
Covid Chunk (n): the weight you gained during quarantine from the bread you been baking to keep yourself sane.
Since I've started baking bread during quarantine, my jeans are much tighter. Must be COVID chunk.
A person who never needs to wear pants, even during cold temperatures. Usually a larger person. Often times "leg-chunks" wear athletic shorts, or khaki shorts that cut off just above their knee.
Athletes, Jock girls, and a lot of soccer players are "leg-chunks." They never wear pants.
Vomiting, puking, throwing chunks....
You were dropping chunks so loud last night, you could of woke up the neighbors.
We’re Costco guys, of course we have to try the new double chunk chocolate cookie!
the chunks is the slow movement of the poop out of the anus and into the mouth to be swallowed and digested and back out (repeating). This typically happens to people with a diabete.
My man I got the chunks wanna sniff?
i have the chunks mom.
I hate children with diabetes.
the result of a gassy friend consuming big red
mom!!! emma left lumpy chunks on my floor!!!!!