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closet ghetto

a person who misleads others with their outside appearance of being very stylish and elegant, but leads a secret life of being ghetto.

Man, I thought Jessica Alba was classy, but after watching a special on her on E!, I realized that she is a closet ghetto.

by McLovin June 5, 2007

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Walk-On Closet

When someone hasn't cleaned their room in such a long time that everything is on the floor and it is quite literally a closet that is walked on.

Mom: Jonny, I was putting your socks away in your room and it's like a Walk-on closet in there!! How long has it been since you've cleaned it?
Jonny: About 3 years...

by Schmlaa. December 19, 2008

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closet monster

A person who acts goody goody in public but then when alone with a person of the opposite sex they.......LOVE THE COCK!!!!

Man, Jasmine is a massive closet monster!

by Pimpin November 21, 2004

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closet christians

1. Christians who know where to preach. This group is purely hypothetical.

The person who posted the original definition for closet christians is unfortunately not a closet christian; Therefore, the poster is not a member of the fictitious group of closet christians.

by Jo-ann de Fabric August 23, 2006

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closet hippy

someone who refuses to believe they are a hippy even though they wear tie-dye t shirts and act like a hippy.

Person 1: "You are such a closet hippy"
Person 2 (wearing tie-dye): "No Im not!!!"

by Snowboard Chick November 29, 2009

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Emperor Of The Closet

Raging rainbow that denies they hate homos.

Luke was full of himself, but all in all, he was another Emperor Of The Closet.

by Sweet Daddy June 26, 2003

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Closet Slut

Person who has sex a lot with many different people and just lays there.
Can usally get the person in your room buy typing "Want to watch a movie ;)"

"Want to watch a movie ;)"
She says, "I'll be over in a minute!!"

by Frankenstine January 31, 2005

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