when the government tells you through extrasensory perception that you’ve committed a felony hours later to affect your emotions more instead of the less than an hour it takes to emotionally overcome a misdemeanor
The government was float copping on the food stamp frauders.
To Dance. To feel the music, and convincingly move to it like you know what you're doing. To dance in a manner that is appropriate for the music you are dancing to. To get locked in to the music, and move to it in whatever way comes up naturally. To dance with confidence, like no one is watching. To dance in a manner that impresses the chicks, and might get you laid.
"He couldn't cop a groove to save his life" - From the song "Poor Tarzan" by Little Charlie And The Nightcats ~1986
congregation of cops, aka pigs, at your local donut shop.
"I was gonna stop at the donut shop but it was a cop fest inside"
These are cops who are usually 11 in most video games. They have no idea of the rules and go around shooting every one and DMING fellow cops.
Cop A shoots at Cop B: OMG U FUCKING NOOB COP!
A hyperactive and gothic child who hates all men, but loves women. Has a great fashion sense and even greater humour but be warned her screams are deadly (adorable too though). Although she hates romance she loves her friends and is especially protective over them. She’ll bite any man who tries getting near them and spend hours long interrogating them. She’s also a tsundere and owns a pet spider that like her is very attracted to women.
Granny: who died?
Maru: SPIDER!!!
Granny: nope I’m out.
Alho: it’s just a spider calm down.
Zaay: a VERY BIG spider. I’m not getting near that thing.
Alho: why does emo cop…nvm…it’s emo cop, she’s unpredictable!
A man who dedicates his life to guilt tripping women into wearing clothes that cover themselves completely from their neck to their feet, but only after he’s gotten a long look at their tiddies.
Man: *stares at woman’s boobs for a full 10 minutes*
Woman 1: “Um, can I help you?”
Man: *Offended tone* “You really are showing way too much of your cleavage. It’s unsettling and offensive. Do us all a favor and cover that up.”
Woman 2: *Whispers to Woman 1* “Damn, what a tiddy cop.”
Cop thoses mean to get something but something steal something take something
"You bro I'm going to need for you to cop thoses hyper jade jordans but get 2pairs