The Pharaoh's Curse is a phenomenon, commonly associated with the sentence: "Return the slab!" It's symptoms include: Having Twisting Sand Land music play randomly, coughing up sand, falling into sand, and more.
"Hey did you see how that guy got inflicted by the Pharaoh's Curse?"
Last names are sem are semi curse
Last names are sem are semi curse
The phenomenon where a cricket player leaves their cricket attire out to dry overnight and a series of 'evil spirits' sneak into the kit and curse the player.
Note: the evil spirits cause poor batting (usually scoring 0 runs), terrible fielding and erratic bowling.
Cricket Cursed: The spirits can only be discouraged from the 'whites' by a strong and serious threat of burning.
On serious occasions, it is essential to destroy (by burning) the whites to eradicate the evil spirits.
A centuries old curse in which Amy drafts Buffalo Bills players, and in turn, those players have a horrible season, and often have injuries.
The Curse of the Pandas
The feeling of being cucked from your ten thousand souls after forty five minutes of trying to defeat this fucking pointless no life ugly looking ass boss, just to find out that you don't even have to defeat him to move into the undeed settlement.
Person 1: " holy fuck the Curse-Rotted Greatwood is really fucking hard"
Person 2:" well you dont even have to defeat it"
Jack Myers:" well i am that good that i can defeat it in seven hits and move onto the undeed settlement with just a bow and a fist up my ass
When the D is so big that he goes so deep past the second hole and unlocks the shit in the bottom victim’s sigmoid colon—provided that the receptive partner forgot to do a thorough cleansing. Doesn’t happen all the time, but it happens often for this hung master.
Damn dude i know god blessed me with such a massive and thick penis, and I’m grateful. But goddamn I’ll be damned if this ain’t from the devil cuz I got the Deep-poop-dick Curse.
When a guy makes plans with a girl, but something causes there plans to be canceled. Repeatedly.
Person 1: Did you hear that Ken got cancelled on again?
Person 2: Shit, that's the third time this week. That nigga got the Salinzkie Curse.