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Can be kind and caring but can also be an ass hole if you test him. Devins are normally loud and like to procrastinate, but they really love getting other people in trouble.

"Hey Devin can you stop being a bitch"

by DreadMental69 October 25, 2019


A Fat Bastard

Tyler: Damn look at Devin in his yadahs

by NotShaneXD August 17, 2018


A complete moron who got where he is by skating through life and slipping through the cracks. He also is very homo and likes to constantly talk about dicks in his ass. He only has a girlfriend to cover up his real sexuality.

Hey don't be a "Devin" in life, Please do the opposite.

by Pen Pendleton December 13, 2019


Devin is the name of an ugly lightskin(wanna be black) Person with an abnormally large forehead and on occasions starts to simp

That’s Devin

by Dictation Officials September 18, 2020


A athletic person who is a great lover to his partner.Great in bed.Drives a $30,000 car. Badat video games

Ohhh get shit on Devin!!!

by WhiteBoy7x29 September 26, 2015


Devin is a truely good friend,if you loose a devin YOU FUCKED UP!Never ever loose a Devin because it is the most amazing person you'll ever meet.GUUURL/BOYYYY If you meet a Devin than back up Bitch a devin be sassy!

Person 1:Omg jeniffer is such a bitch like her eyebrows aren't even on fleek and her lashes ughh!

Person 2:You need to chill don't be like you can judge people.The only one who can judge is Devin.And if he knows you talking shit OUHHH GURL YOU GONNA GET IN TROUBLE.

by MilaDjami September 8, 2017


He is a gentleman when he wants to be and that's rare.
He is very flirty that is a problem when he in relationship
He is one of those guys that is just perfect but for a girl with problems that he can relate to.

He wants to be married to a great girl that can control him and boss him around but other than that he just a great guy with anger issues, loves to fight, try new things

Did you just see Devin fight this boy

by Lets_gotothemoon July 14, 2019