1. a culture of people known mainly for stereotypes such as poor hygiene, crazy hair, homosexuality, and faked suicide attempts.
2. A term too often used to describe someone who suffers from depression, and is considerd annoying because of it, instead of someone who is acually a member of the emo culture.
Example for def.2
Douchebag 1: All Jim ever does is sit alone and mope.
Douchebag 2: i heard that he tried to kill himself over the weekend.
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a emo is a person who knows reality unlike anyone else.....emos are the best pepole on earth and dont waste theair time playing halo and sitting theair ass down eating chetos.....emos are probly also the only good looking girls around hear to....case theay aint SITTING theair ass down playing halo....so if your emo YOU RULE!!!!
asshole:hey emo kid suck my dick
emo kid: *rips off dick and shoves down throte.
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A way of behaving, dressing, a style of music; cool.
thick rimmed glasses
tight pants
lots of black
band t-shirts
hair gel
hawthorne heights
from first to last
my chemical romance
fall out boy
the used
dashboard confessional
sits in the dark
"i dont know"
doesn't pay attention
"im so emo i'm gonna go sit in a corner, in the dark and sulk"
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To me emo is a style i am def not a middle class teenage girl im a lower middle class mommy of 2 and i have a scene hair cut and since i have been in junior high have dyed my hair funky colors and wore rock shirts and skate shoes and still do then i was considered a candy kid or raver but never went to a rave now all the sudden im emo nope im me thanks and from what i gather emo is a genre of music so i dont go around saying i hate jocks do i people are people thank you!! And just to let you know ive never cut my self out of self loathing but i have gotten a tattoo to express things i am feeling and im also a very happy human being ive never been depressed a day in my life!!! im just fun and love to express that in my style!!
judgmental person: your an emo kid you suck
me:no im fun and happy sorry your jealous cause you can try but you will never be like me!!
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a label that some teenagers call themselfs. and a type of music
usually ages between 14-19.
their kids who think their lives are horrible so they dress up in weird colored clothes that can be seen from space and wear 10 pounds of makeup.
which is kind of stupid, cause most of the time their lives dont suck, and they could be normal if they didnt wear so much makeup.
some "emo" people are normal though... but enough with the labels already!
"emo" kid: im sooo emo. i hate my life
kid:yeah? maybe your life hates you too.
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A stereotype or type of music. Also used as an insult.
Guy 1: What'cha listening to?
Guy 2: My Chemical Romance.
Guy 1: .........Emo!
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most people forget about the other types of emo. the one that dont feel. they cut for fun.
emotionless wants to kill all really emotional people
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