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To change someone's facebook status while he/she left his/her account logged on.

"OMG! I hacked your fb. Love you mom!"

by best_hacker_in_the_world December 27, 2011


A comedian that relies on unoriginal, obvious, and overused material. They get very few laughs other than awkward pity laughs.

Shuli from the Stern Show is the leader of the Hack Pack. His act is a piece of shit. He is a complete hack.

by AnitaBJ May 28, 2023


Definition 1: the act of hacking a computer
Definition 2: a publicity stunt used to cause controversy thus generating free advertising

Example 1: After the computer was hacked, a fappening occurred.
Example 2: Sony claimed to be hacked as a publicity stunt to promote their movie, The Interview.

by QuatroQuatro December 22, 2014


To notice your friend has left their Facebook account logged on on your computer and to promptly post ridiculous shit from said account

Woah, Jenny left her facebook open, lets hack it!

by BobbyZ500 December 10, 2011


A person with 4 mechanical limbs welded onto his body, who plans to blow up the city after failing the first time and killing his wife in the process.

May try and explain the theory of relativity as a pick up line.
Fouling his “experiment” or stopping him from robbing a bank may get on his nerves.

“You’ll destroy the city! You’re a HACK!”

by The_Darkest_Knight June 11, 2021


definition : mindcontrolling hack, do naughty things have sex with the hacked guy
also the page for hack is clean so why not dirt it

X: he hacked me!
y: on your potato PC?
X: no...

by sdfghjklpoiuytrewqazxcvbnm November 22, 2020


to puke. usually caused by drinking to much alcohol

"that kid just had 14 shots of bacardi then hacked"

by robert allens August 18, 2009