The most amazing beautiful gorgeous women you will ever meet in your entire life. She is the sweetest women you will ever meet. She will always find a way to make you smile no matter what you’re going through. She gives you butterflies when you talk to her and you’re blushing. If you are ever to meet an Isabella never let her go. She will change your life for the better, “marry that girl” wise quote from MAGIC!. But seriously if you ever meet an Isabella marry her as soon as possible. Buy a ring and put it on her finger never let her go. She will treat you like a king she makes you feel amazing.
Isabella is perfect
an empath who senses when people are distressed, and excessive coffee drinker you should follow her on spotify.
Believes in past lives because she is crazy. She isnt real
"Im not even an excessive coffee drinker!!"
"Yes you are isabella"
Isabella is thick. She is very beautiful and her smile is very funny. She doesn’t care about what other think about her. She is funny, even if her jokes are dry. She seems like a innocent girl but as soon as she and her boyfriend goes to another room.... yeah. Isabella has often brown hair and beautiful eyes that are odd. If you have her, don’t lose her. Her favorite animal is flamingo. Her friends loves her and can’t get enough from her.
Who is that?
That is the thick queen!
Whats her name?
Is a bitch who steals my nigga from me while I try to play fortnite wit him. Isabella is also a person who makes pro fortnite players washed because people like Gavin wont get any better because people like Gavin are washed.
What an isabella
The hawest chicky mcbabe in the whole wide width of my left nut <3
Holy shit she's so Isabella
She’s a very funny and nice girl. Has good looks and taste and is sensitive at times. But… she got pooping problems yo. That shit nasty asf
A beautiful ,, girl with a amazing personality ,, and the girl I love ,, she is a amazing girl ,, and should be treated by the utmost respect .