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Madison comer

Lovely girl she is very smart and intelligent bu u don’t want to be on her bad side she is the prettiest girl I’ll ever meet madison is a sexy beast and she get upset sum times bu u don’t want to loose her ever popular kidda

I love Madison comer she’s funny and fit let’s get wi her de boisss

by Grace brocken June 5, 2019

The Battle of Madison and McGrady

The 1864 Civil War Battle of Madison and McGrady took the lives of several good men. The battle took place on the fields of Charlottesville, Virginia where Union soldiers took down a heavily guarded Confederate stronghold. The long fought battle took over 6 days to conclude and claimed the lives of over 1200 men. It is said the souls of these brave soldiers still roam the Virginia airs surrounding the battlefield.

This movie is bloodier than the battle of Madison and McGrady.

by CivilWar1864 May 4, 2011

Madison Pearl

an awkward, nice, chill girl. she’s great. stubborn a lot but great. loves Jesus and stays committed to him 24/7, which is amazing. blunt and deceptive for sure. just a great gal

Madison Pearl is a dime

by Anne V. August 14, 2019

madison hergenroeder

a dumbass ugly ass bitch who sucks dick

Ya madison hergenroeder is not okay

by doctor1010 December 15, 2018

Madison Lacey

The coolest chick out. Shes famous.

Friends: "Oh theirs that madd madison lacey chick wow shes so awsome i love her!"

by That sick ass chick August 3, 2009

Madison Rose smythe

Madison is a very hard working girl. She thinks she could never become something more but she can as long as she works and does what she loves. She is a very beautiful young girl but she thinks she’s fat Andy ugly when nobody thinks so, she is so beautiful on the inside and out but she doesn’t know it. She has meh grades but that’s because school drowns her energy it makes her tired and bored. She thinks her friends don’t like her but they do in fact they love being around her she thinks she unfunny but they think opposite madison is an amazing smart talented girl she just needs the confidence. She is the most loyal girl you can ever meet she is shy at first but thenk when you get to know her she’s a whole different person she stands out in a large crowd she is worth more then she thinks.

Friend: madison rose smythe is so beautiful

Friend2: right she’s worth gold

by Made by Madison rose April 10, 2023

Madison Bolte

A Hard working CNA with a experienced ass wiping ability comparable to no one else. Also her nipples taste like pennies.

"Hi nice to meet you what's your name?"
"Madison Bolte"
"Nice to meet you Maddie"

by JoeTheDestroyerOfWorlds February 12, 2021