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Marcos is the name of the ousted dictator in the 1986 EDSA Revolution. It has become synonymous with thievery in the billions or simply thievery.

Did you Marcos that statement from our professor?

by QueenCrawford May 30, 2022


Marcos is a boy who is very nice. He cares about others almost as much as he cares about himself. He has straight cool hair and can speak more then one language. You can be lucky to be his friend and he will always have your back.

girl one: who is that boy over their?
girl two: that’s marcos, my bestie

by 7272728229 April 24, 2020


Scum fuxk flower boy

Golf wang - Marcos

by Gomez007 November 23, 2021


an autistic guy who only goes outside to walk his dog 🐶

marcos is lazy

by jeriany November 21, 2023


Marco is a guy that can be sweet and caring in a relationship but also be rude and has anger issues. He dates h0es but wonders why he gets cheated on. He is carribean and often plays online games (specifically an oculus). He doesnt know when a girl is completed obsessed and dulu over him, a girl that watches when he's online and not, that notes everything she tell him, wants to rant about everything to him even what she ate. He has the best taste in music and is kinda loud but only bc he thinks people don't listen to him when he talks normally And when he talks normally he has the sweetest voice ever. He plays acoustic guitar but it hurts his fingers, he doesn't know any actual songs though bc he's js now getting into it. He loves hello kitty and his pfp is a cat. He loves the weeknd but wouldn't spend all his money on a weeknd varsity jacket. He has attachment issues and gets attached to the wrong people ( he's not attached to me bc I'm the one for him). He's from the suburbs and sounds white. He dates to marry (he dates every other race but white). His mom listened to rmb and his dad listened to rock growing up. and if he sees this he's a blind ahole that made me obsessed with him and stutter and mess up my words all bc he says "HI JJ" IN THE MOST STUPIDEST FREAKING VOICE 🖕.

"Why does he act so... 😍"
Bc he's a marco obviously

by Obsessedcnt November 25, 2023


broken fingers, sexual but not sexy, plays clicker heroes all day.

Marcos gets 9 Quadrillion coins in clicker heroes all the time.

by Ultron58941 December 1, 2017


Dishonest, Getting someone's things.

People who have not a educational degree/Undergraduate

Synonyms: Stealing, Steal, Lie, Thief, Heist.

Other words related: Minarcos, Marcosan, Marcosing

"You know Bon Bon? He is a Marcos since he Marcosing our school fund."

"He is said, he was graduated at Oxford University but the university itself says Bon Bon has not studied in their school. He is a Marcos"

by Coke ni Alamano March 12, 2022