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controller master

A person that uses a regular controller, rather than a Guitar controller when playing Guitar Hero 3

im poor, I could only afford the GH game, therefore ive become a controller master.

by J-Slice January 17, 2008

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shat mastering

Literally, the act of mastering shat; asserting your natural authority over God's putty; indulging in a dance under chocolate rain. Also, dominating a predictably submissive William Shatner.

"Wow, I had no idea you were into shat mastering... Are you busy tonight?"

"Look at that shat master! He's totally giving it to the Shat!!"

by Narwhal Rider March 3, 2009

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Master of Everything

The person who is the best at everything.

Wow, that guy is such a beast at everything! He must be the master of everything!

by The real master of everything January 14, 2013

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Master Fucker

A partner that bring you to orgasim so many times you give up counting

I wonder if that guy if a master fucker, like to try it out!

by alibaby50 June 22, 2019

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master beef

Thicc Chief

Master Beef is huge

by yeltsA kciR May 25, 2021

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bass master

one who has the abillity to concure bass in any lake without being in a touniment. it is simply just having the skill to find and catch bass without fish finders or high tech gear, just instinct and a good rod, reel and knowing what lures to use to go with it. really if you love bass fishing that much that it makes you happy then you truly are a bass master

look at that lunker earl caught, he truly is a bass master

by david the bravid July 27, 2005

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Angle Master

A woman on a social networking or dating site who is proficient at manipulating camera angles in order to disguise her obesity and/or ugliness.

"I met this angle master on myspace who looked really hot in her pics, but when I met her in person she turned out to be 300 lbs and had the complexion of a pig."

by Tom LaPace October 24, 2008

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