the state of mind in which a man becomes a floozy or hopes to become sexually promiscous
Man, I am feeling pretty dude floozy right now.
(Noun) A well dude is a person who is constantly making excuses for why they can’t, or shouldn’t perform certain actions.
(Exclamation) The prolonged sound made by a person who, when in the presence of a well dude, hears them say “well dude.”
“Do you want to go to this show on Thursday?”
“Well dude, I just can’t because I have to work on Friday and it takes too long to get to the venue and the tickets are too expensive and I have homework anyway.”
Pretty much, it’s a penis. Usually only said when making fun of your best friend or your best friend’s ex-girlfriend.
Anthony likes the dude stick. He likes dude stick all night.
In that moment, she queefed on his dude stick, which quickly shriveled in disgust.
A social gathering such as a party or concert where little to no females are present.
"Be glad you missed the party last night, man. It was a fucking dude festival. Nary a fucking girl showed up."
no; not at all; a phrase used for general negation or refusal
Tucker: hey do you wanna go to the--
AJ: naw dude.
An accessory the guys wear in the fall.
Girl 1: Like at that hottie wearing a dude scarf.
Girl 2: I know, dang I heart guys that wear dude scarfs