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Lightning lame

Another name for Bob chapeks latest money grab called a lightning lane. Bob Chapek renamed the fastpass lane to this after he renamed annual pass to magic key. He thinks I will pay 20 dollars so I can ride Matterhorn once only to wait in standby for a second time because I can’t have more than one per ride. And how am I supposed to ride midway mania? Wait in standby after I used my one fastpass I paid for? Chapek stop smoking pixie dust.

Bob chapek said i have to pay 15 dollars for a lightning lame to go on radiator springs racers.

by Tom Coreless fan November 4, 2021

Y’all lame

Definition-something boring or not fun

in friend group it’s a joke

Not mean or being rude

It’s a joke

“Did y’all go see that new moive
“Damn y’all lame

by Judiwudi November 14, 2022


a fat lame person with no morals.
also known as a "couch potato".
or just a lifeless obeist.

1.) Jesus, Tom. You are such a Lame-a-fatic! Maybe when you lose about 150 pounds, you can chill with us. Until then..Get your ass off of the couch and get a life while your at it, asswhipe!

by Shaeee. November 25, 2006


lamees >>>> the whole word

they are more perfect than anything you could wish for ily bby so much i cant pur into words what u mean to me but i appericiate you with every fibre od my being

lamees ur flawless ur amazing i would do everything nd anything for you

by ihrtcth April 15, 2022


the most disgusting creature to walk this earth. Nothing but an absolute attention seeking dog who chases men who are taken and show barely interest in them because they think they're all that but deep down they're trash and they know it too. Living proof that evolution is capable of making mistakes. Biggest disappointment to exist and basically a bimbo just without being attractive. Biggie who sits at home all day on their FAT ass binge watching nonsense that doesnt benefit them in any way instead of doing something productive and something useful. Biggest hypocrite and most autistic monkey on the planet. They're disgusting and need an urgent shower. PLEASE.

ew who the hell is that

it's lamees 🤢🤢

by pdiddysupremacy November 2, 2024

Undercover Lame

Someone familiar with writing javascript, htmls, code, and likes to spy electronically. These folks often feel that their sense of the world is better than others, justifying their need to spy. Often than not, they are lazy pukes, ignoring their own problems to examine others.

I swear there are some undercover lames in my life.

by FeralRedhead$ March 4, 2018

Celebrity lame

Celebrity lameness is when they got a lot of followers and fans who support them and they don’t ever do anything interesting or post content on social media. Not even for months. It’s like we voted for the wrong USA idol. They don’t even post new music or movies or tv shows depending on what they do. Music or movies or tv shows. Or even athletes. But they need to post stuff about their sporting events.

This celebrity lame, come on let’s leave don’t come back or watch anything they do anymore.

by Megasus Thirst Jesus Christ May 12, 2022