Smashing someone’s back with a sledgehammer until he/she screams as high as they can
He’s definitely going to hit the high note if he messes with my friends.
When you sling your meat into a lady then drive her to a relatives grave and tell her this is her last stop, that's the best she's ever going to have.
I gave Sheldon the Van Notee Special last night, she hasn't been seen since.
The action of masturbating and ejaculating into a tissue, then sticking it on your girlfriend or boyfriends forehead.
Last night, Jones gave Sydney a Texas Sticky Note
(assuming you know project sekai)
a specific note on ifuudoudou that plays during a lyric that translates to "overflowing liquid"
chronically online people avoid this note for fear of their fingers getting pregnant or something
RuiStan420: guys... i touched the cum note... im due in 9 months
When something gets note 7'd it means that it exploded. This is because of the note 7 by samsung that had a defective battery. Samsung had to shut down all of these mobile phones to prevent more explosions from happening.
I threw this bomb and it note 7'd.
Terrorists note 7'd the building