Claiming (falsely) to have any contact with a human female without providing any evidence, or evidence that evaporates upon a Google reverse-image search
My friend claimed to have gotten laid this weekend and he even provided a picture, but I found out he was pulling a wolfe after I reverse-image searched it
Gay group of friends who always hang out and think they are something they are'nt.
A group of cars on the freeway or interstate.That are traveling above the speed limit in a close formation, and are basically useing strength in numbers in order to avoid Police persuit ,or Radar detection. The number of Cars needed to form a pack is atleast 3 and can grow or shrink as you cover more distance . The number usually doesn't exceed 10 because the more vehicles that join the pack the better your odds will be but any more than 10 cars and speeding in a formation becomes difficult.
A Wolf pack is a formation of 3 or more Cars speeding on the interstate . A pack uses strength in numbers to avoid Police and Radar.
A mythical predator that hangs out in public bathrooms to sexually assault members of the same gender. Popularized by conservative pundits and politicians.
If you allow men to use women's restrooms, your daughter will be attacked by a john wolf!"
Winds that are blowing very strong and make whistling, howling, and growling noises.
Did you hear the Wolf Winds today?
The Wolf Winds are my constant companions.
A white man with long hair (that perfers wearing hats), who identifies as a black women, has given birth to "pumpy". If left alone at night a "nick wolf" will start shit with people on IG.
Man, that mother fucker was Nick Wolfing last night...