Something that doesn't fucking exist Sofia
Middle yards are fictional- just like unicorns
I was walking through my yard and my neighbors dog left me a yard burger. Fucking dog.
Wanabe criminal from brisbane
Hides in the bone yard witness protection
Hides in protection
Not a mainstreamer
Family member works for protective services, he’s a bone yard lingard
Someone who hides in witness protection
Oi look at that bone yard lingard
2 people whome share a yard or farmland
Paul Williams is my favorite yard buddy
They’re warm and scared, are they Caronds?
Look at all my Bosnian Yard Harnets, they are warm and scared
When a junkie dirt squirrel goes through all your stuff flinging it around looking for shit to steal.
That dirt squirrel yard saled my room and stole my dope.
I came home last night and my entire house was yard saled