When you constantly are having to constantly fix and rig an old car to run in order to appear as having an original running model.
I love being the only person in town with a 1970’s model Bronco, but I gotta hold some wires together so the ignition works… it’s just the Shitbox Paradox!
If you get a box of DiGiorno for delivery, is it DiGiorno or is it delivery
Hey have you heard of the DiGiorno paradox
The inherent contradiction that exists in an Eastern European Muslim - caused by the conflict between the islamic aversion to alcohol, nicotine, and sexual promiscuity, and the Eastern European ego need for such things.
Richard: Hey why does Andrew Tate smoke cigars, drink alcohol, and fuck random women? Isn't he a muslim?
Joseph: It's Digsby's Paradox, bro.
When you're best friend whom you love a lot is also the person you are the biggest hater on
I love Caitlin but i also love hating on her, it's such a Nelle's paradox
A theory when friendliness or hospitality and privacy don't go hand in hand
A perfect example of friendliness paradox is the collective culture: People from collective culture are friendly, but they're sneaking into other's businesses
It's a paradox stating that women excessively read into things even if there is nothing to read into. For example one can say hi and simply mean just that, hi but a woman will analyse that hi
Papi Gerald didn't mean it like that, it's a hi hi paradox
In a trade situation, when coming into a problem on a work site the requires a photo of an area, the moment that the problem is acknowledged the photo destroys itself and any evidence that it ever existed ceases to exist.
“Can you find a photo of the piezo? I can’t find it.”
“Nah there’s not photo”
“Fucking Longy”
“It’s the Longy Paradox mate”