The act of reading a magazine article while taking a dump.
People magazine, Maxim, porn and the daily paper are good dump reads.
When one is reading a romance book and feels as though they are third-wheeling with the characters.
“Omg Rebecca I’m reading this book and I’m totally third-reading with the main ship”
If you are reading this your gay as fuck
A butt. But a real friend. The best one someone could ask for
My best friend Zack Read
To go poop. Colossians is the shortest book in the Bible and can be read in 3-5 min—while going #2.
After three burritos and a side order of nachos, I snuck away from the family to go read Colossians.
A freakin ahmazing person, your best friend, and the person everyone is jealous of. She is absolutely gorgeous in every way. Shes a great secret keeper, and will always be there for you. She looks like she couldnt harm a fly butt she can kick your freaking butt if she needs too. Shes usually a very great dancer and she kicks butt at everything she does. Shes such a great girlfriend and if you didnt give her a chance then youre missing out. She can sometimes be full of herself though. If you dont know a Kerrigan Reading you should because she is the best thing that will ever happen to you. Peace out!
Person: I can't beleive I dumped Kerrigan Reading!!! She was the most amazing person ever.
Person: I so wish I was friends with Kerrigan Reading. She seems so cool!!
A phrase used to nonchalantly tell someone that you are smoking marijuana. The phrase brings with it a large number of puns that can be quite humerus.
Friend: (Calls you on the phone) Hey man, what are you doing?
You: I'm just sitting around 'reading the paper'!
Friend: Sweet, so I guess you got the 'news'!
You: Totally got the 'news'!