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Dump read

The act of reading a magazine article while taking a dump.

People magazine, Maxim, porn and the daily paper are good dump reads.

by Evilbadkitty June 15, 2013


When one is reading a romance book and feels as though they are third-wheeling with the characters.

“Omg Rebecca I’m reading this book and I’m totally third-reading with the main ship”

by Omg Rebecca September 16, 2019

If you are reading this your gay as fuck


If you are reading this your gay as fuck

by semen eater 43 March 30, 2022

Zack Read

A butt. But a real friend. The best one someone could ask for

My best friend Zack Read

by ERummel December 7, 2018

Read Colossians

To go poop. Colossians is the shortest book in the Bible and can be read in 3-5 min—while going #2.

After three burritos and a side order of nachos, I snuck away from the family to go read Colossians.

by JC Mathews October 9, 2022

Kerrigan Reading

A freakin ahmazing person, your best friend, and the person everyone is jealous of. She is absolutely gorgeous in every way. Shes a great secret keeper, and will always be there for you. She looks like she couldnt harm a fly butt she can kick your freaking butt if she needs too. Shes usually a very great dancer and she kicks butt at everything she does. Shes such a great girlfriend and if you didnt give her a chance then youre missing out. She can sometimes be full of herself though. If you dont know a Kerrigan Reading you should because she is the best thing that will ever happen to you. Peace out!

Person: I can't beleive I dumped Kerrigan Reading!!! She was the most amazing person ever.

Person: I so wish I was friends with Kerrigan Reading. She seems so cool!!

by duckshutup August 7, 2010

Reading the Paper

A phrase used to nonchalantly tell someone that you are smoking marijuana. The phrase brings with it a large number of puns that can be quite humerus.

Friend: (Calls you on the phone) Hey man, what are you doing?

You: I'm just sitting around 'reading the paper'!

Friend: Sweet, so I guess you got the 'news'!

You: Totally got the 'news'!

by TheGreatBigD August 27, 2014