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Big Time Rush

Big Time Rush is a show about four boys from Minnesota who came to California to become famous. But the best part of the show is when you see Logan and James' sexy asses. Nickelodeon has done a fine job in casting these two actors. They are by far the best singers in the show and their gorgeous voices are really demonstrated in the song Worldwide. Along with nick's show Victorious this is the best show on television for all ages. BTR rocks!

Zenah- Hey Heather, did you see that episode of Big Time Rush last night? James and Logan were lookin' especially sexy!

Heather- Hecks yeah I saw it! I freaked the freak out when I saw last nights episode! They sang Worldwide and James and Logan sounded beautiful!

Zenah- Yeahz! LOLCATZ I loved last nights episode of BTR. <3333
Heather- Yeah the best part was when I saw Logan and James' fine asses!
Zenah- OMG that was my favorite part too! They are two damn good lookin' people.

by LOLCATZBTR July 12, 2011

65πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

Bums Rush

Someone who does the 'walk like an egyptian' dance and shouts a hodgepodge of scurrilous words.

Jas u Bums Rush, as he shouts, 'fuck, shit, cunt' and walks like an Egypyian to the bogs.

by Desmond Too Too January 27, 2005

16πŸ‘ 202πŸ‘Ž

Big Time Rush

The most amazing tv show on Nick. Starring Kendall Schmidt James Malsow Carlos Pena and Logan Henderson. This is the best show ever and it's really funny. This show is for anybody between the ages of 4-21. They are amazing and anybody that says it sucks is just a hater and needs to get a life.

Person: "Hey have seen that show Big Time Rush?"

Person 2: "Yeah! Its amazing! I love it!"

by MyDearMaslow November 28, 2011

37πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Dirty rushing

Safer expression of negative emotions toward former KGB agents purpetuating criminal activities after their extortion violence results in the hospitalization of some innocent store keeper failing to keep up on protection payments.

Those dirty Rushings!

by Phil Logenist March 14, 2019

2πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Big Time Rush

A completely un-entertaining show on Nickelodeon with characters that have no personality, dumb plot, and stupid humor.

Big Time Rush episode 2: School of Rocque:

Carlos: "It's like a vacation with singing... It's a SING-CATION!"

by critic94 April 24, 2010

581πŸ‘ 552πŸ‘Ž

rush n' looking

The act of looking for something in a hurry.

He was rush n' looking for his keys!

by Word Madman March 27, 2019

Passive shoppers rush

Passive shoppers rush occurs when friends encourage someone to purchase something that they don’t need, and gain a sense of satisfaction from the purchase.

β€œI had the biggest Passive Shoppers Rush (PSR) when Steve bought that Rolex with a rainbow bezel.”

by Baneson August 9, 2018